Monday, November 24, 2008

Bantus Capoeira Batizado 2008!

WARNING: This is going to be a longggggggggg post!

For the benefit of those whom isn't sure what is Batizado, it is a so call "grading" which is held every year for all Capoeira schools around the world, it's just a matter of when for each school. It is the time where new Capoeira learners officially becomes a Capoeirista and those with a corda (belt) gets promoted to the next level.

Okay, what makes Capoeira so special is that you can only take part in Batizado once a year which means you're going to be with your corda for 1 full year, unlike say Taekwando where you can take your grading 4 times a year! -.-

Of course, as you advance to a new level, the level and repertoire of skills must be better and one must learn how to sing and play the instruments. Without the instruments, there is no Capoeira.

Bantus Capoeira, Singapore

This is the 3rd Batizado in Singapore by Bantus Capoeira and what an event it was! My very first Batizado after a gruelling 1 year training. The whole workshop where we train at YMCA under the different instuctors from Brazil, Australia, Malaysia and Singapore lasted 3 well-worth-it days.

Enough words, let the pictures do the talking!!!!!!!

Mestre Pintor

Juliene Grace Palomar Fresnedi

RP Capoeiristas with Graduado Claudinho & Instuctor Grao

Group picture with Claudinho

Graduado Rapfael

Contra Mestre Silvio

Fooling around but lotsa fun!

Singapore poly & Republic poly Capoeiristas

Graduation Capoeirstas

Little Capoeirista kids ((:

Mestre Pintor with his DSLR

Grao, our crazy acrobatic person!! )):

Group picture

More group pictures

More & more group pictures

Inside YMCA building

More pictures inside YMCA

Happy faces (:

These were some of the pictures we took after training with the different instructors, especially Rapfael!!
He wasn't crazy, he was INDESCRIBABLE!!! Apprently, the moves he executed was out of this world and we could only clap our hands!! Imagine that!
ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ):


I love this!

Over here, I would like to thank Graduado Claudinho for his training and this guy seems to know our school better than us so much that it's starting to get ridiculous and making us looking like some sua-gu in our own backyard! Special THANKS to Mestre Pintor, Graduado Rapfael, Instructor Grao, Professor Margo, Contra-Mestre Silvio, and all Capoeiristas for being part of this very very special event.
*Clap hands*~~~~~~ waiting for next year...
Obrigado Capoeiristas! (:

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